Maximum Effort

Are you the type that must break a sweat, get out of breath, slump to the floor and crawl out of class? When your Sensei says "Ten more!" do you muster up every last ounce of muscle fibre to push it out? What about turning up to class sick, tired and injured... feeling drained but grateful for the supplements to get you through?

Well, if you haven't yet follow my advice regarding rest in last weeks blog, perhaps I can give you some thoughts on what I consider to be giving Maximum Effort!!

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Taking Time Off

The tree has been packed away, the cards removed, the tinsel hanging from every doorway no longer catching in my hair. All the rich foodstuffs, cheeses, chocolates and meats have been consumed - well almost - and I am now blowing the dust off my neatly folded Gi. Let's see if I remember any Kata!?!?!

You could say it’s been a while, almost 3 weeks in fact. Where have I been? Taking time off of course.

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My Time in Okinawa: The 100 Kata Challenge

I had been in Okinawa for 7 months since March, and throughout that time I had experienced big winds, heavy downpours and blistering hot humid days.

However, on the 24th October, the temperature had cooled to a mild 26 degrees and the humidity had peacefully rescinded to the low 60s, the conditions couldn’t have been better for the 100 Kata event organised by James Pankiewicz of Challenge Okinawa.

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Benjamin EayrsComment
How I Came to Okinawa

There I was, living in Edinburgh under the grey wintering skies, and whilst nestled at my mum’s in the beautiful Aberdeenshire countryside, a place I had known well all my life and was frequently awed by the scenic beauty; it was Christmas and I was still mulling over a big decision.

A month previously an Email had zipped through from Jesse of giving details about a “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity

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A Very Okinawan Dojo Experience

I spent over 20 years practicing Shotokan at various Dojo across the UK and Australia, and many were similar in their breakdown of practice. Line-up, bow, warm-up, Kihon, Kumite, Kata, warm-down/stretching or simply sit, meditate and bow to finish.

Having experienced a few different Dojos I'd like to give you my experience of practice in an Okinawan Dojo.

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