Posts tagged Shotokan
Twenty Precepts …And Justice for All

Following on from my previous post regarding the Precept Karate Ni Sente Nashi – there is no first attack in Karate, this next one homes in on the idea that karate is on the side of justice; it’s what is used by the good guys, against the bad guys.

Surely those reading this publication in 1938 would be in no doubt that Karate was to be a useful tool for good?

Then again, it depends on what is defined as “Justice”, and what the “good” and the “bad” are.

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Shotokan: Why I still love it

First things first, I am a complete convert to Shorin-Ryu.

After spending time in Okinawa training at the Shimbukan under Sensei Akamine I could see why Shorin-Ryu was not only a natural progression for me in terms of style, but that the method also allowed a greater expression of power and technique.

However, I have not, nor will I ever abandon my knowledge of Shotokan. Why?

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